Posts Categorized: Health and Happiness

The more people I see, the more problems people come to me with…more often than not the underlying cause of so much discomfort, pain, weight problems and ill health actually stems from poor self esteem. Lack of self confidence, lack of self worth and lack of self-esteem can all be interlinked. A brief & simple

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Runny nose and eyes, sneezing, tiredness, skin rashes or irritations, change in bowel movements from constipation to diarrhoea, itchy red eyes, weight-gain/weight-loss, stomach cramps? These symptoms may lead you to think you have intolerance to wheat or gluten. So what exactly is the difference between the two? Gluten is a protein, which can be found

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“This Ruins Most Dieters”

Are you someone who is constantly thinking about your weight, your lack of exercise, your lack of fitness, and your poor dietary habits? Well then you are more than likely in the trap of thinking and wishing for what ruins most dieters’’ a quick fix, a quick solution! Let me explain…Many of us look for

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Headless Chicken Syndrome…?

I always work in my bare or stocking feet. My new clients are always curious and ask me why.  Is there a particular reason why you are in your bare feet?…my answer is no, there is no real reason apart from the fact that it’s really comfortable and grounding at the same time. Are you

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Mary came to me with as she said a very embarrassing problem… no one to date was able to sort out her problem of bad breath, more often than not she saw people making strange faces or pulling back from her while she spoke with them, many days she could smell it herself and then

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Suffering from vague and mild intestinal upsets to debilitating fatigue and intolerances to food and environmental substances such as cosmetics, cleaning agents, perfumes and so on. This may be due to gut imbalance or intestinal dysbiosis. In healthy intestines /gut the body contains over 400 different kinds of micro-organisms all living within a delicate balance

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No it’s not heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, or any other common disease that you can think of …It is self esteem!or lack of it.  Experts now say that the underlying cause of so much discomfort, pain and ill health actually stems from poor self esteem. This is something I can verify as sooner or

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Fed up with the PAIN..?

Who hasn’t suffered pain at one time or another?. Pain is something I treat very commonly. Pain, aches and soreness can be linked to imbalances in e.g liver, lungs, adrenals, bowels and so on from toxin overload. Upper back pain is more associated with the whole neck region or a fixation in the lower pelvis.

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Speaking of the blooms of summer..many people this time of the year come for kinesiology treatments suffering from prickly heat rashes. They can be very irritating and unsightly especially for fair skinned people. It can appear anywhere on the body and is red and consists of hundreds of tiny little raised bumps. The main reason

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Here is the second part to my article “Top 10 ways to look younger!” 6.Water: You have heard me say this more than once! I honestly do not know how you can get through your day without water. Recently I had a day when I did not get my NORMAL 2lts, I was absolutely parched,

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