Part 7 Leaky gut is another big cause of unexplained cravings which i come across when i test and trade my clients. So do you have Leaky Gut? The answer maybe yes and you may not even know it! I am going to explain this is non-medical and non-technical terms. Think of it this way,
Posts Categorized: Toxins
We have covered a lot in the past five weeks in helping you identify what cravings you may or may not have, what it is really want to feel , what the emotional link with those cravings may be, what your craving patterns are, what foods are best to help break those patterns and how
When you hear the word DETOX Does your heart Sigh? D- Declutter E- Eliminate stress T- Toxin reduction O- Open your eyes X- Xtra Special Me Time Part 3 of 3 Okay so how have you gotten on with your DETOX so far? So many of my clients complain of tiredness and sluggishness and just
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I so often hear this from my clients, do you ever feel like this?…perhaps it’s because your body is toxic… when the body is toxic you can have many symptoms like…foggy brain, poor memory, fluid retention, blocked up sinuses, weight gain, poor digestion, bloating, constipation, aches
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired? I so often here this statement! Do you ever feel like this? Perhaps it’s because your body is toxic. When the body is toxic you can have many symptoms like. Foggy Brain, Poor Memory, Fluid Retention, Blocked Up Sinuses, Weight Gain, Poor Digestion, Bloating, Constipation, Aches and Pains all
Bleeding and sore gums can be due to over enthusiastic brushing or gum disease such as gingivitis. It can also indicate the body is run down and in need of some rest and relaxation or you may be lacking Vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Smoking, stress, worry, reduced immunity can all deplete your body of some
The thyroid gland, which is situated in your lower throat area produces hormones that affect every major organ and metabolism of every single cell & has a major influence on hormonal function. It is very closely related to adrenal exhaustion which is often the root cause of thyroid gland imbalances. The adrenal glands control the
TV is not something I enjoy very much, however I love movies which make me feel good or laugh or documentaries which increase my awareness of the world’s cultures, nature, health and so on…recently I saw this documentary and it actually almost brought a tear to my eye…to see the women struggling in the heat
Are you suffering from this? The answer maybe yes and you may not even know it! I am going to explain this in non-medical and non-technical terms. Think of it this way, if you put fuel into your car and a few seconds later you hear it coming out somewhere…Uh Oh!…you know something is wrong!!!.
If you tend to suffer from persistent sore throats it usually means your immune system is struggling to cope and rundown. Your bodies’ immune system can become quickly depleted from poor sleep, poor dietary choices, toxins e.g. viral, bacterial, food intolerances, stress. With the onset of a cold and sore throat, it is important to