Hello, my name is Andrea, I am 15 years old and live in Kildare. When I was born, I had a rash on my body that seemed to worsen as I got older, then my parents discovered that I had eczema. I had the rash on my arms, legs and face. As I got older, I grew more self conscious of this rash, especially as it was on places that I couldn’t cover up with clothes. My parents brought me to many places to try and cure this rash, but nothing worked. I was given steroid creams from the doctor and they did nothing, I was put off tap water as one woman I had gone to thought that the tap water was affecting my skin. When I was 14 I started to get very bad cramps in my stomach and frequent headaches. I went to the doctor and I was told that I might be a coeliac, I got blood tests done and I came back negative, I then was told that I had “irritable bowel”. I had some family who went to this woman called Gertrude Lawler, and apparently she was very good at curing many people’s body problems. I was sceptical at first as I didn’t quite believe in what she was doing as all of the people I had to gone to before hadn’t worked. When I first met her, I immediately liked her, she is definitely the most energetic, positive person I have ever met. She did some work on me and it turns out that all along I have been allergic to dairy, doctors never even mentioned that dairy could be a problem for me. She put me off dairy and within weeks my skin was clearing up, she also gave me certain oils to help my skin. I was also put off sugar and chocolate too, these were definitely a major problem for my skin. I have been off dairy for a few months now and I have never felt better, my skin is clear, I don’t get cramps and all of the headaches are gone too. I have now recommended her to other family and friends with problems and they have started visiting her on a regular basis too. Gertrude is truly amazing with what she does and I would recommend her to anyone.
About 4 years ago (having never had any major health issues) I began having bad pain in my hands, arms, and shoulders. I was eventually diagnosed with carpal tunnel in both hands. I couldn’t even peel potatoes. I had both hands operated on, within a few weeks my arms and shoulders were as bad as ever. I went to work, came home, sat down, I had no interest in anything. I had courses of physiotherapy and acupuncture, and the Doctor eventually told me that I would need to take pain killers to keep it at pay. I had spent a fortune on Doctors, Consultants, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, tablets and injections. At this time, my son was attending Gertrude and kept advising me to go (he had total faith in her), and she has changed his life completely. I was still sceptical, and as a last resort went. This was the day that changed my life, mentally, physically and emotionally. Within a few weeks I had no pain and was back doing everything like before. I look forward to my visits now, when Gertrude opens the door, she oozes life, health and positivity, and that’s how she makes me feel. I call it “my fix”. I have recommended several people to try it, family and friends, and have had very positive feedback.
Carmel, Kilcullen
I’m Cured…these were the first words I spoke when I last saw Gertrude after a few months! She was recommended to me by a friend of my wife’s. Since childhood I have always had problems with my stomach from feeling nauseous, bloated, reflux, hiatus hernia, bouts of anxiety and general feelings of being unwell. By treating the toxins in my gut , aligning my jaw, and correcting the improper functions of my digestive system to healthy and normal and rebooting my nutritional deficiencies I feel great. My energy levels are way better than before and I feel calm and healthy after many years of feeling like there was always something wrong with my tummy
For a period of about 6 months I began having problems with allergic reactions to things that never bothered me before like biological washing powder, shower gel, dust, etc I had a constant redness around my face and neck and chest for moths and regular headaches which i never had before. I had been to a few doctors and dermatologists and they didn’t know what it was and i tried various medications a with no joy.I was recommended to see Gertrude, she tested me and found my immune system was the real issue and recommended some nutritional supplements and dietary changes to boost it. After only a few days months of problems began to clear up and in less than a week i felt like my old self with no issues. I can’t thank Gertrude enough, she is fantastic at what she does. She helps you understand the problems you are experiencing and treats the mental aspects that contribute to your physical well being also, which in hindsight are just as important.I would recommend anyone struggling with health problems to see Gertrude, she treats the person and not just the symptoms and can help where sometimes doctors and specialists struggle. Thanks again Gertrude.
Gertrude’s treatments for me are, in very summary terms, about assessing symptoms and working to resolve them by treating the root of the problem, however, as a practitioner, she does so much more than that. “As you said to me some time back you work on 3 levels physical (as I mentioned), emotional and spiritual.” The latter two giving rise to the physical symptoms and working on things like expectations, attitudes, self esteem with tools such as journaling, affirmations, tapping, colour therapy and really considering your feelings and becoming more self aware are all part of the process to heal the emotional blocks. For me, this is the powerful aspect of the work you do.
What makes the service good and you special – is your personality, your energy, your commitment and your life experiences. So many times you mention what happened to you and how you dealt with it and it almost feels similar in ways – I really feel like someone understands and this makes for a very open and trusting relationship. In particular, I love the way you articulate issues in such a practical way that it sticks in my mind (drawings on the whiteboard, colour therapy exercise and the burning desire (I won’t forget that !!!). You are always very encouraging but yet not afraid to give the push needed (THANK YOU) in a serious but caring way
Irene O’ C.
Gertrude’s mantra “Focus on what you CAN DO” Has got me through many a challenging day. A heartfelt thank you for being there for me through many difficult times and health challenges. When I reflect on how my life has been transformed during the past year I can only conclude that you are my dainty little angel in disguise. Thank you for your support, guidance, kindness and understanding. I am so glad I embarked upon this health journey and most importantly with you
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help and support through what has been the most difficult period of my life these past few years. You have helped me in everything from my diet to how I think. I do not know how I would have coped with everything that was wrong with me without your support. Thank you for listening to me in a non-judgemental way.
Gertrude’s depth of knowledge and experience was utterly invaluable and central to my son’s recovery from Chronic Fatigue. This, together with her kindness, understanding and optimism supported us through a difficult journey back to full health. We are deeply grateful to her
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for your help over the past few years. My overall health has greatly improved in every way especially my migraine and neck problem. I’m constantly massaging all those muscles you told me about. Bye for now
After three sessions of working with Gertrude I feel I have my life back. I went to Gertrude with a very bad head issue, their was no medical name for it other than tinnitus but it was so much more…For about three years it felt like there was a train running through my head. The noise went and I can sleep now without even thinking of it. I feel like a young one again, I used to hate getting out of bed as getting through the day with normal tasks was such a struggle. Now I love getting out of bed and just getting on with my day.I cannot explain all the good it has done for me. Thank you so much.
Julie Collins
Gertrude…Genuine, Pure, Natural, Healthy, Encouraging, Supportive, Knowledgeable and Innovative…Thanks so much for all you have done for me…especially getting rid of my watery eyes which bothered me for over 25 years.
Leslie O Neill
Hi Gertrude, I just wanted to share the good news, Kieran ( my son of 4) is out of nappies. He has not had any diarrhoea for so long now that he is confident and comfortable to go with out nappies, it was completely his decision. It’s all down to his treatments with you and the education you gave us both re food intolerances and you patience. Thank you so much.
You encourage me, the Monday newsletter shows that I am not alone but many have the same problem, it’s understanding and giving advice – life support. Somehow like a fishermans net – catching out for something.
Alex Doebler
Not very good at expressing my thoughts in words but when it comes to what Gertrude has done for me and my family it’s easier. Gertrude is encouraging, inspirational, hopeful, gives happiness and is joyful , good Humoured and loves what she does…and for the sun sunny.You also give a sense of peace of mind and body, one of my favourite words is shalom and I think it works perfectly for what you offer. I Always look forward to my appointments.
Gertrude has a very good understanding of the body/mind and also a background qualification in food science , you are so aware of the body’s need for nutrients to build up any wear and tear (illness) in the body and also you emphasise the need for quiet belief and trust in individual & belief in some greater power (i.e. religious belief I find in the main is very beneficial) to help us at difficult times.For me the latter is the lifeline to helping others & while doing so one is also helping oneself. Thanks for all your work.
To describe Gertrude I would say “She is vibrant & life-giving which she passes on to her clients.She gives confidence & self believe & lots of common sense” You helped me realise how important it is to de-stress & listen to my body!. Thank you so much.
Mary Ryan
To sum it up….What you do for me is “you Inspire and Empower me to take care of myself in Mind, Body and Spirit” and you always remind me to be kind to myself and it works !😊
Noreen Dowd
I always find your emails of interest on a Monday morning and this one on “My reason Why”I found particularly illuminating! It hit the spot for where I am at right now.
I find the work that Gertrude does is empowering and gently allows the client to take responsibility for their lives.This helps with self awareness and in particularly when they follow their self care programme of course…
Be yourself
Accept yourself
Value yourself
Forgive yourself
Bless yourself
Express yourself
Trust yourself
Love yourself
Empower yourselfThese words by Lupytho Hernin really sum up all you stand for and are so passionate about.
Mary O' Dea
I was introduced to Gertrude through a friend who swore by her, I found the experience completely enhanced my physical wellbeing and much more too in that the process contributed to increased self-awareness and self-esteem. The professionalism of the practitioner ( Gertrude) was fundamental to achieving all these positive improvements. Thank you.
Gertrude is the balance we all need, if you are up or if you are down, Gertrude will get you back in sync. Gertrude is your common sense voice that we all have but don’t listen to! But when Gertrude says it – it’s like ah yea that makes sense! Gertrude reinforces what you already know. An hour with Gertrude is as good as a week in a spa resort.
Eilis Gilmore
You Listen, support and talk honestly with a view to rebalancing our lives and most importantly remind me to think about/focus on me and that my issues problems are important too. I Love the Healthy Monday Moments emails, thank you, especially the examples u give.
Karen K.
I came to see Gertrude with so many health problems, digestion, chronic fatigue, PMS, you name it I had it. I can now honestly say that I almost do not recognise myself. I feel like a new person, full of energy, more patient and as my family will tell you much more tolerable. Thank you Gertrude for the ‘new’ me is all I can say.
Irene Rochford
I suffered for years with jaw problems, chronic constipation, heartburn and other digestive problems. The treatments have helped me make decisions in my life. Prior to this I was just dwelling on things. Overall without a doubt I feel much improved and have found Kinesiology excellent.
G. Carter
Gertrude is super at highlighting the fact that we can create our own wellness with small but significant steps and changes to our everyday routines. I have learned so much and love all you do.
Jenny Madden
Hi Gertrude,Thanks for your advice last week. The approach has proven effective, good success in removing the blockages. I’m continuing to take the supplements you provided and taking baths etc. Many thanks.
J. Cantwell
I was told on my first treatment I had an intolerance to dairy, I immediately cut it out and that night I could feel the difference with my breathing. It was brilliant.
E. Fennelly
The pain I had in my back on waking every morning is gone completely and my energy levels are much improved. Overall I feel healthier, Fitter and have a renewed zest for life!!!!!
Maureen Finn
I have so much more energy I really can’t believe it. I can do tons more than before my treatments with Gertrude, everything used to drain me… being able to do what you want is a brilliant feeling!
Catherine Reidy
By following a few simple tips and techniques that Gertrude showed me I went from crashing to bed in the evenings with my boys to having a RENEWED energy which got me through an extremely stressful period in my life and to come up smiling AND lose 10lbs in the process! Wow and a sincere thankyou Gertrude is all I can say.
Bernadette Doyle
I had problems with food, tired eyes, nasal drip, blotches on skin and digestive problems…by making a few changes and working with Gertrude there is a vast difference! My energy is great, my digestion has completely settled down and overall I’m feeling great.
Douglas Shirran
I have been to Gertrude on and off for years and find her wonderful. I had a pain in my side for years and it’s completely gone. She has also helped me so much emotionally, ” That was 4 years ago, since then I have continue to go to Gertrude every few months as a treat to my body as Gertrude quickly sorts out any issues I may or may not have. I have self-confidence and self-respect for myself now, something I never had my entire life. I am very grateful to Gertrude for everything. I have recommended her to countless numbers of people and I know they now in turn recommend her too! I do not know where I would be without Gertrude and she has not only helped me but my daughters too.
Marian Corr
Having completed a course of treatments with Gertrude , I truly found it amazing and simply fantastic. From having a terrible pain between my shoulder blades for years and later a problem with my foot where I could not put pressure on it…after having stress release techniques carried out and being able to talk about my feelings I felt a huge emotional release and immediate pain relief” She is the guiding light and the answer to so many underlying health issues.
Dolores Higgins
For most of my life from what I can remember I suffered with digestive problems, every kind imaginable. Since the age of 10 I had seen all sorts of specialist doctors and most common scans and tests. I would go through periods of feeling relatively healthy but not knowing why. When I would go through periods of having digestive problems it would bring me down. It limited me to what I could do both socially and physically. I started with Gertrude in mid-2013. I’m 28 now and travelling the world, something I always wanted to do but never even considered I would be able to because of my digestive issues. It’s a decision that ultimately changed my life for the better and I couldn’t be happier. Thanks Gertrude.”
Stephen O Connor
Before I started working with Gertrude I was on an emotional roller coaster with not many ups but a lot of downs. I just couldn’t move out of the cycle of being tired, then I was frustrated with myself, which caused me stress, which made me more tired. I have spent A LOT of money on all sorts of remedies and although I have felt a bit better each time nothing ever lasted. I knew as soon as I found Gertrude that I had to work with her as I knew she would understand me. It makes perfect sense to be tested by Gertrude to see what nutrients or supplements you need instead of just guessing. I was also surprised to find out that I had a thyroid problem which needed to be dealt with before we could even look at the exhausted adrenals. I didn’t know about the thyroid problem so I never would have treated it on my own. Now I have a lot more energy and I am back to my cheerful self, I can’t remember the last time I had a ‘crash’. It doesn’t end there, Gertrude has given me lots of extra information to help me, and has guided me through the inner work too, even noticing things that were holding me back which I was unaware of. Gertrude will support you in getting the correct treatment that your body needs. Don’t waste your money on guessing.
Kate Cave
Hi Gertrude,Your articles are very informative and valuable. You are a great writer and you really know how to deliver. Thanks with regards.