Leaky Gut… Are you suffering from this? The answer maybe yes and you may not even know it! I am going to explain this is non-medical and non-technical terms. Think of it this way, if you put fuel into your car and a few seconds later you hear it coming out somewhere…Uh Oh you know
Posts Categorized: Digestion
In part 1 we looked at the emotional link with cravings, and in this article we will look at the low energy, fatigue, lack of sleep, chronic tiredness link as in all of my experience in working with clients over the last 11 years tiredness comes up again and again as being a MAJOR cause
Cravings and how to control them instead of them controlling you. Part 3: From time to time it is only perfectly natural that we can crave something to make us feel better. However if it is an ongoing thing or something you really struggle with getting to the root is absolutely a must. The top
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I so often hear this from my clients, do you ever feel like this?…perhaps it’s because your body is toxic… when the body is toxic you can have many symptoms like…foggy brain, poor memory, fluid retention, blocked up sinuses, weight gain, poor digestion, bloating, constipation, aches
Cholesterol is a great buzz word and one which many are so scared of. The first thing I say to all of my clients is, please understand high cholesterol levels on their own will never kill you, so that’s good news. High cholesterol levels are a great indicator that something else is not working properly
Blood pressure/Hypertension: What is it? Major blood vessels leading from the heart and lungs become furred up and constricted. The elasticity of the arterial walls is reduced, making the vessels very stiff and Hard. This increases Internal pressure of the blood flowing through the arteries and makes the blood pressure very high. Coronary heart disease
Anyone of you who comes to see me in person, will know I love my natural pure goodness freshly homemade juices, as most of you comment or ask questions re my juice which always accompanies me at my desk :-0 Celery is one of the ingredients I would use a lot of as it has
Homocysteine You need to know about this… Heart diseases, heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, dementia, foggy brain/concentration difficulties, thyroid problems, chronic fatigue, fertility problems,high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, general feelings of being unwell and swelling of limbs for no apparent reason…all to name just a few!…yes you have all heard of these…have you heard
Continuing on from the last two articles, I hope you now have a better understanding of fats and their importance. Do not eat Rancid or Oxidised fats, these are fats which have been damaged by the air e.g crisps, nuts, seeds tasting horrible like they are gone off.Usually they have quiet a high smell off
Fat, as I said in (part 1 , last week) is essential in the body for protection, insulation, warmth, energy and much more. It only becomes a problem when the body’s metabolic rate (the rate at which your food/fuel is burned up by the body) changes. This change can be due to dietary choices, poor