Posts Tagged: Adrenal Exhaustion

The Power of Vitamin C

Are you suffering from tiredness, stress, lack of energy, breathing difficulties, bleeding gums, adrenal exhaustion, brain fatigue, bruise easily? Are you prone to picking up infections or suffering from frequent colds and flu’s? Then you may need a boost of Vitamin C to kick start your immune system and adrenal glands again. I often get

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I always say a good laugh or a good cry can do wonders for you…preferably laughing more, however a good cry can really cleanse the inner system and take away a lot of hurt too. Now, that makes sense when you know what has hurt you or upset you. When you find yourself crying for

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I know many of you are feeling this way as you reported in your survey…Thank you. At some point in our lives we can all experience some form of anxiety e.g. before a big event…going to the dentist, an interview, a presentation, confrontation, going through a stressful situation, feeling endangered or threatened and so on. 

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