We have covered a lot in the past five weeks in helping you identify what cravings you may or may not have, what it is really want to feel , what the emotional link with those cravings may be, what your craving patterns are, what foods are best to help break those patterns and how
Posts Categorized: Weight Gain?
Cravings and how to control them instead of them controlling you. Part 5 Following on from last weeks article where we opened up the discussion and awareness of low blood sugars/hypoglycaemia and adrenal fatigue. I hope you had a serious look at your patterns and now with greater understanding will endeavour to break the sugar/refined
Good Fats DO NOT Make you Fat! So please let me inform you of the Critical importance of good fats! Many people have a poor understanding of fats. They either banish them from their diets completely thinking fats will make them fat or they are completely oblivious to the difference between good and bad fats.
I’m struggling or it is a struggle or life is too much of a struggle are very normal feelings. To be honest I think it is healthy for us to admit every now and again that things are tough and that we are struggling to get through different aspects of our lives. To feel you
We have already looked at ‘thinking differently’ regarding your weight and focusing on your metabolism to ensure you are burning off all which you eat. Obviously the more you get that butt moving, the greater you will feel, the more toned you will become and the healthier and fitter you will be too! It really
Unfortunately there are very few people happy with their weight, which one are you? The hard truth is that 99.9% of the time we are completely responsible through the lifestyles we lead and the choices we make, yet we constantly complain about how we look and feel… yet we really don’t want to change anything.
Welcome to the final part of the optimum weight series, many people will say to me they are really good during the day but then come evening time after their dinner and they need or crave something sweet, they don’t feel satisfied and start picking, or they go all day without regular food and then
Welcome to part 4, how are you feeling about your weight, your energy levels, your fitness, your attitude towards food, how are you thinking about you? It is difficult to change, no matter what kind of a step you take it can be difficult, no one said it was going to be easy, but it
We have already looked at ‘thinking differently’ regarding your weight and focusing on your metabolism to ensure you are burning off all which you eat. Obviously the more you get that butt moving, the greater you will feel, the more toned you will become and the healthier and fitter you will be too! It really
Last week I asked to start focusing on your thinking and see where you need to change it regards to your lifestyle, the foods you eat or don’t eat, your exercise regime etc. as in order to change anything you must change your thinking first! This week I would like to focus on helping you