Posts Categorized: Immune System

Part 2: Mucus forming foods can definitely exacerbate the problem of sinusitis/hayfever symptoms. Foods such as bananas in excess ( more than 3-4 max per week) dairy foods, milk, yoghurts, cheese etc and high processed carb/starchy foods such as bread,pasta, confectionery, it is best to greatly reduce or avoid these foods altogether when symptoms are

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Are you someone who is suffering from high blood pressure, low energy, lowered immunity, low exercise or work tolerance or stamina, blood sugar imbalances, dizziness, poor circulation, gum disease, heart problems? You may very well be lacking in Co Q 10. These are common problems for which I treat people and a boost of this

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Less than two weeks to go…here are a few simple tips to keep you smiling 🙂 Enjoy the spirit of Christmas this year by taking things at a slower pace. A stressed, busy and tired you equal a stressed and unhealthy mind and body. Take a few deep breaths throughout your day and bear in

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If you tend to suffer from persistent sore throats it usually means your immune system is struggling to cope and rundown. Your bodies’ immune system can become quickly depleted from poor sleep, poor dietary choices, toxins e.g. viral, bacterial, food intolerances, stress. With the onset of a cold and sore throat, it is important to

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The more people I see, the more problems people come to me with…more often than not the underlying cause of so much discomfort, pain, weight problems and ill health actually stems from poor self esteem. Lack of self confidence, lack of self worth and lack of self-esteem can all be interlinked. A brief & simple

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Pumpkin Power!

Pumpkin Power: What are your favourite memories of Halloween? Have a little think about it, and see what fond memories come flooding back for you. One of my favourites is…growing up on a farm, we didn’t actually have pumpkins as a child so we got a huge turnip instead, we spent the entire day carefully

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Fungal Overgrowth

Are you suffering from bloating, excess wind or flatulence, Fungal skin Infections, athletes foot, thrush, furry tongue, itchy skin, tiredness which is not received by sleep? You may have an imbalance of fungi in the body, candida is just one type of fungal overgrowth and it is very common. Fungal infections are very common causes of

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