Posts Tagged: adrenal fatique

I know many of you are feeling this way as you reported in your survey…Thank you. At some point in our lives we can all experience some form of anxiety e.g. before a big event…going to the dentist, an interview, a presentation, confrontation, going through a stressful situation, feeling endangered or threatened and so on. 

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Fed up with the PAIN..?

Who hasn’t suffered pain at one time or another?. Pain is something I treat very commonly. Pain, aches and soreness can be linked to imbalances in e.g liver, lungs, adrenals, bowels and so on from toxin overload. Upper back pain is more associated with the whole neck region or a fixation in the lower pelvis.

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Speaking of the blooms of summer..many people this time of the year come for kinesiology treatments suffering from prickly heat rashes. They can be very irritating and unsightly especially for fair skinned people. It can appear anywhere on the body and is red and consists of hundreds of tiny little raised bumps. The main reason

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