Posts Categorized: Kidney

Today I am going to talk to you about your kidneys! As you already know these are the organs which are responsible for urination and excretion of wastes from the body. Over the past two months I have treated several people who have had recent kidney issues or have had a long history of kidney

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Have you guessed what I’m referring to? Probably not, as you are rarely told about it. When you complain of your irritable bowel or constipation or any kind of bowel problem you are generally told to increase your fibre intake. The truth of the matter is fibre is essential for a daily healthy bowel movement.

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Mary came to me with as she said a very embarrassing problem… no one to date was able to sort out her problem of bad breath, more often than not she saw people making strange faces or pulling back from her while she spoke with them, many days she could smell it herself and then

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Dark circles under your eyes, pale inner eyelids, tiredness…? Could be a major sign of a toxic body. I remember once upon a time people always used to say to me, gosh your eyes are very black looking aren’t they? I permanently had two dark rims under my eyes; they never seemed to go away

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