Posts Categorized: Intestine

Part 7 Leaky gut is another big cause of unexplained cravings which i come across when i test and trade my clients. So do you have Leaky Gut? The answer maybe yes and you may not even know it! I am going to explain this is non-medical and non-technical terms. Think of it this way,

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Fat, as I said in (part 1 , last week) is essential in the body for protection, insulation, warmth, energy and much more. It only becomes a problem when the body’s metabolic rate (the rate at which your food/fuel is burned up by the body) changes. This change can be due to dietary choices, poor

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Good Fats DO NOT Make you Fat! So please let me inform you of the Critical importance of good fats! Many people have a poor understanding of fats. They either banish them from their diets completely thinking fats will make them fat or they are completely oblivious to the difference between good and bad fats.

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Is Tea Really Good For You?

Tommy came to me with a bad skin condition of boil like eruptions on the skin, he had them all over his body particularly his face. Mary came with an itchy flaky scalp, it was driving her mad, and Denis came with skin problems too. With brown, scaly like patches across his abdomen…what had all

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Have you guessed what I’m referring to? Probably not, as you are rarely told about it. When you complain of your irritable bowel or constipation or any kind of bowel problem you are generally told to increase your fibre intake. The truth of the matter is fibre is essential for a daily healthy bowel movement.

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