Posts Categorized: Bowels

Part 7 Leaky gut is another big cause of unexplained cravings which i come across when i test and trade my clients. So do you have Leaky Gut? The answer maybe yes and you may not even know it! I am going to explain this is non-medical and non-technical terms. Think of it this way,

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Feeling Constipated?

Constipation is an everyday fact of life for many. It is something I treat very successfully through the course of my treatments. It can make you feel grumpy, tired, irritable, unmotivated, uncomfortable, feeling full without eating, bloated, suffering from abdominal cramps/pain, headaches, haemorrhoids, and so on. If you are resorting to laxatives your digestive system

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At the moment I am working with an amazing person whom is a type 1 diabetic for almost their entire life, a busy working mum, coffee junkie, tired all of the time, poor sleeper, poor eater, suffered a lot of constipation and lots more…they felt there was little hope anyone could help them improve their

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Is Tea Really Good For You?

Tommy came to me with a bad skin condition of boil like eruptions on the skin, he had them all over his body particularly his face. Mary came with an itchy flaky scalp, it was driving her mad, and Denis came with skin problems too. With brown, scaly like patches across his abdomen…what had all

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Many people are ashamed to discuss this topic, however your bowel movements and your stools condition can tell an awful lot about your internal gut and overall health. In some ways you have to start thinking…what you put in is what you get out…!!! Please remember failure to eliminate properly leads to toxic build-up. Toxins

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Leaky Gut…

Are you suffering from this? The answer maybe yes and you may not even know it! I am going to explain this in non-medical and non-technical terms. Think of it this way, if you put fuel into your car and a few seconds later you hear it coming out somewhere…Uh Oh!…you know something is wrong!!!.

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Have you guessed what I’m referring to? Probably not, as you are rarely told about it. When you complain of your irritable bowel or constipation or any kind of bowel problem you are generally told to increase your fibre intake. The truth of the matter is fibre is essential for a daily healthy bowel movement.

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