Posts Tagged: Thyroid Problems

The thyroid gland, which is situated in your lower throat area produces hormones that affect every major organ and metabolism of every single cell & has a major influence on hormonal function. It is very closely related to adrenal exhaustion which is often the root cause of thyroid gland imbalances. The adrenal glands control the

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I always say a good laugh or a good cry can do wonders for you…preferably laughing more, however a good cry can really cleanse the inner system and take away a lot of hurt too. Now, that makes sense when you know what has hurt you or upset you. When you find yourself crying for

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Last week I outlined about the functioning of the thyroid gland and many other related parts of the body. Living with someone who has some or many of the symptoms of thyroid malfunction can be very frustrating especially if they are unaware they have a thyroid problem in the first place. Through my treatments I

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Slowing heartbeat, circulation, thinning hair, weight change, low energy levels , blood pressure, metabolism temperature, mental fogginess, low blood sugars, brittle nails, poor appetite, headaches, infertility, poor vision and memory, low libido, heavy periods, depression, high cholesterol…Phew! What a long list of symptoms for an underactive thyroid, and there are others! You may experience the

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