Is this you? Tired, Cranky and moody? Part 2: Following on from last weeks article where we opened up the discussion and awareness of low blood sugars/hypoglycaemia and adrenal fatigue. I hope you had a serious look at your patterns and now with greater understanding will endeavour to break the sugar/refined carbohydrate cycle. Believe it
Posts Categorized: Nutrients
Part 7 Leaky gut is another big cause of unexplained cravings which i come across when i test and trade my clients. So do you have Leaky Gut? The answer maybe yes and you may not even know it! I am going to explain this is non-medical and non-technical terms. Think of it this way,
Sore, Puffy, itchy watery eyes, to continual sneezing and a runny or congested nose…are you nodding you head in agreement? Well read on and find out how you can be helped. Did you know hay fever did not actually exist before the industrial revolution? Since then we have done a great job of polluting our
Anyone of you who comes to see me in person, will know I love my natural pure goodness freshly homemade juices, as most of you comment or ask questions re my juice which always accompanies me at my desk :-0 Celery is one of the ingredients I would use a lot of as it has
Good Fats DO NOT Make you Fat! So please let me inform you of the Critical importance of good fats! Many people have a poor understanding of fats. They either banish them from their diets completely thinking fats will make them fat or they are completely oblivious to the difference between good and bad fats.
Seasonal affective disorder also known as SAD for short is something at this time of year many people suffer from. The symptoms can vary from one person to another but generally there is a feeling of being under the weather, unmotivated, depressed, fed-up, exhausted, lethargic, increased/suppressed appetite, weight-gain, irritability, increased desire to stay in bed
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired? I so often here this statement! Do you ever feel like this? Perhaps it’s because your body is toxic. When the body is toxic you can have many symptoms like. Foggy Brain, Poor Memory, Fluid Retention, Blocked Up Sinuses, Weight Gain, Poor Digestion, Bloating, Constipation, Aches and Pains all
Zinc is a mineral widely available and used throughout the body. Many people are deficient in this mineral for number of reasons as mentioned below. Our soil is becoming more and more deficient due to overfarming and lack of proper fertilisation of the land. Many medications/over the counter drugs and social drugs deplete zinc. Imbalanced
R.E.C.I.P.E.S Part 6 of 7 In this section for each weekly recipe I will give you some key nutrients to help you make changes to your particular health problem and therefore promote greater wellness and wellbeing. The greater you feel the happier you will be! A nutrient can be defined as “A substance that provides