Continuing on form last week where we looked at some of the more common reasons for pain which included dehydration, Excessive sugar and stress, this week we will take a closer look at Inflammation. Im sure many of you have been prescribed anti-inflammatories at various times or maybe they are part of your daily medication.
Posts Tagged: Dehydration
A lady came to me recently suffering from a lot of stomach bloating, feelings of nausea, change in bowel habits, flatulence, burping, swelling of tummy, poor appetite and just general feelings of being unwell. Many others suffer from bad breath, body odour, burping, catarrh, chronic fatigue, pain in shoulders & lower back, frequent bowel changes,
TV is not something I enjoy very much, however I love movies which make me feel good or laugh or documentaries which increase my awareness of the world’s cultures, nature, health and so on…recently I saw this documentary and it actually almost brought a tear to my eye…to see the women struggling in the heat
Today I am going to talk to you about your kidneys! As you already know these are the organs which are responsible for urination and excretion of wastes from the body. Over the past two months I have treated several people who have had recent kidney issues or have had a long history of kidney
Less than two weeks to go…here are a few simple tips to keep you smiling 🙂 Enjoy the spirit of Christmas this year by taking things at a slower pace. A stressed, busy and tired you equal a stressed and unhealthy mind and body. Take a few deep breaths throughout your day and bear in