By adding a splash of brilliant colours to your plate…Yes, red, oranges, green, yellows, blues and purples. Aim to get as many of these into YOU as possible… When you have an array of colours on the plate or in a glass whatever the case may be, your meal is instantly much more appetising. This
Posts Tagged: vitamins
Today I am going to talk to you about your kidneys! As you already know these are the organs which are responsible for urination and excretion of wastes from the body. Over the past two months I have treated several people who have had recent kidney issues or have had a long history of kidney
If you tend to suffer from persistent sore throats it usually means your immune system is struggling to cope and rundown. Your bodies’ immune system can become quickly depleted from poor sleep, poor dietary choices, toxins e.g. viral, bacterial, food intolerances, stress. With the onset of a cold and sore throat, it is important to
Do you suffer from tender, puffy, enlarged, aching and sore breasts? Often this is suffered in silence due to embarrassment or thinking it is the norm. Breast congestion can be relieved amazingly through kinesiology techniques which reduce chest congestion .You can do one of these at home yourself, make your right hand into a fist
Symptoms of Iron deficient Anaemia: Ghostly White Pale skin tone, tiredness, dizziness, faintness, headaches, heavy periods or very light periods, insomnia or wakening during the night and unable to get back to seep, thinning hair or hair loss, low energy and motivation could be because you are anaemic or have a tendency towards it! Have