Posts Categorized: Digestion

Good Fats DO NOT Make you Fat! So please let me inform you of the Critical importance of good fats! Many people have a poor understanding of fats. They either banish them from their diets completely thinking fats will make them fat or they are completely oblivious to the difference between good and bad fats.

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Digestion is a part of the body I talk a lot about for two main reasons 1. Your digestive system is absolute core to your health. 2. For the absolute majority of the people who come to see me treating, healing and repairing the digestive system is crucial for treating their ongoing health problem which

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Many people which I work with fall into the category of having metabolic syndrome. How do you know if you have metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is typical of many people in today society as having abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, increased blood sugars, increased triglycerides, Low HDL-cholesterol And Raised LDL-cholesterol. Each one of

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A lady came to me recently suffering from a lot of stomach bloating, feelings of nausea, change in bowel habits, flatulence, burping, swelling of tummy, poor appetite and just general feelings of being unwell. Many others suffer from bad breath, body odour, burping, catarrh, chronic fatigue, pain in shoulders & lower back, frequent bowel changes,

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At the moment I am working with an amazing person whom is a type 1 diabetic for almost their entire life, a busy working mum, coffee junkie, tired all of the time, poor sleeper, poor eater, suffered a lot of constipation and lots more…they felt there was little hope anyone could help them improve their

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Become Aware of how you feel… You’re feelings have an immediate impact upon your physical body.. Today I would like to bring to your awareness to the importance of knowing how your body is feeling with the core message being “AWARE OF THE EFFECTS OF YOUR STRESS ON YOUR BODY”…especially the deep on-going stress where

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Is Tea Really Good For You?

Tommy came to me with a bad skin condition of boil like eruptions on the skin, he had them all over his body particularly his face. Mary came with an itchy flaky scalp, it was driving her mad, and Denis came with skin problems too. With brown, scaly like patches across his abdomen…what had all

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