Cravings and how to control them instead of them controlling you. Part 5 Following on from last weeks article where we opened up the discussion and awareness of low blood sugars/hypoglycaemia and adrenal fatigue. I hope you had a serious look at your patterns and now with greater understanding will endeavour to break the sugar/refined
Posts Categorized: Fatty Acids
Blood pressure/Hypertension: What is it? Major blood vessels leading from the heart and lungs become furred up and constricted. The elasticity of the arterial walls is reduced, making the vessels very stiff and Hard. This increases Internal pressure of the blood flowing through the arteries and makes the blood pressure very high. Coronary heart disease
Good Fats DO NOT Make you Fat! So please let me inform you of the Critical importance of good fats! Many people have a poor understanding of fats. They either banish them from their diets completely thinking fats will make them fat or they are completely oblivious to the difference between good and bad fats.
Do you suffer from tender, puffy, enlarged, aching and sore breasts? Often this is suffered in silence due to embarrassment or thinking it is the norm. Breast congestion can be relieved amazingly through kinesiology techniques which reduce chest congestion .You can do one of these at home yourself, make your right hand into a fist