Posts Categorized: Energy

Heart diseases, heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, dementia, foggy brain/concentration difficulties, thyroid problems, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, general feelings of unwellness and swelling of limbs for no apparent reason…all to name just a few!…yes you have all heard of these…have you heard about the possible hidden cause?  The big H Factor

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Using convenience foods

“In theory, it is possible to live entirely on convenience foods, without suffering from any nutritional deficiencies. However, in practice, most people would not be able to tolerate such a diet and it would become monotonous. In terms of flavour, texture and appeal, there is no substitute for fresh foods” Extract from Food & Nutrition

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Welcome to the final part of the optimum weight series, many people will say to me they are really good during the day but then come evening time after their dinner and they need or crave something sweet, they don’t feel satisfied and start picking, or they go all day without regular food and then

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Last week I asked to start focusing on your thinking and see where you need to change it regards to your lifestyle, the foods you eat or don’t eat, your exercise regime etc. as in order to change anything you must change your thinking first! This week I would like to focus on helping you

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I always say a good laugh or a good cry can do wonders for you…preferably laughing more, however a good cry can really cleanse the inner system and take away a lot of hurt too. Now, that makes sense when you know what has hurt you or upset you. When you find yourself crying for

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I so often here this, do you ever feel like this…perhaps it’s because your body is toxic… when the body is toxic you can result in feeling like you have foggy brain, poor memory, fluid retention, blocked up sinuses, weight gain, poor digestion, bloating, constipation, aches and pains all over, dead tired problematic skin, frequent

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Are you someone who is suffering from high blood pressure, low energy, lowered immunity, low exercise or work tolerance or stamina, blood sugar imbalances, dizziness, poor circulation, gum disease, heart problems? You may very well be lacking in Co Q 10. These are common problems for which I treat people and a boost of this

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A lady came to me last week, early thirties, had a stressful busy job and complained she had headaches and no energy.  When we went through her diet she had to skip breakfast as she was too tired to get up in time to have something descent, so she ate a sweet rice pudding on

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