Posts Tagged: Nutrition

Are you familiar with using spices as part of your regular diet, if not you really do not know what you are missing out on I like to think of spices as little fireballs of nutrition, very little is needed for massive health benefits from boosting your immunity, giving you energy, boosting your metabolism and

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Using convenience foods

“In theory, it is possible to live entirely on convenience foods, without suffering from any nutritional deficiencies. However, in practice, most people would not be able to tolerate such a diet and it would become monotonous. In terms of flavour, texture and appeal, there is no substitute for fresh foods” Extract from Food & Nutrition

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Pumpkin Power!

Pumpkin Power: What are your favourite memories of Halloween? Have a little think about it, and see what fond memories come flooding back for you. One of my favourites is…growing up on a farm, we didn’t actually have pumpkins as a child so we got a huge turnip instead, we spent the entire day carefully

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