Posts Tagged: lack of energy

Runny nose and eyes, sneezing, tiredness, skin rashes or irritations, change in bowel movements from constipation to diarrhoea, itchy red eyes, weight-gain/weight-loss, stomach cramps? These symptoms may lead you to think you have intolerance to wheat or gluten. So what exactly is the difference between the two? Gluten is a protein, which can be found

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“This Ruins Most Dieters”

Are you someone who is constantly thinking about your weight, your lack of exercise, your lack of fitness, and your poor dietary habits? Well then you are more than likely in the trap of thinking and wishing for what ruins most dieters’’ a quick fix, a quick solution! Let me explain…Many of us look for

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1. Lack of sleep This really goes without saying, yet 95% of us do not get enough sleep.  For some there may be sleep issues, insomnia, kidney, prostate, bladder problems resulting in disturbed sleep or for many others it is burning the candle at both ends. When you lack sleep your body and mind also

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No it’s not heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, or any other common disease that you can think of …It is self esteem!or lack of it.  Experts now say that the underlying cause of so much discomfort, pain and ill health actually stems from poor self esteem. This is something I can verify as sooner or

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Here is the second part to my article “Top 10 ways to look younger!” 6.Water: You have heard me say this more than once! I honestly do not know how you can get through your day without water. Recently I had a day when I did not get my NORMAL 2lts, I was absolutely parched,

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