Posts Tagged: Slimming Pills

Last week I asked you to start focusing on your thinking and see where you need to change it regards to your lifestyle, the foods you eat or don’t eat, your exercise regime etc as in order to change anything you must change your thinking first! This week I would like to focus on helping

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Unfortunately there are very few people happy with their weight, which one are you? The hard truth is that 99.9% of the time we are completely responsible through the lifestyles we lead and the choices we make, yet we constantly complain about how we look and feel… yet we really don’t want to change anything.

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Slimming Pills?

This past week I have been asked by two people what slimming pills would I recommend or what’s’ my opinion on them? So I reckon many more of you have a similar question. Slimming pills are manufactured synthetic products. Their purpose is to suppress appetite…or prevent the absorption of fat consumed in your diet. The

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