Cravings and how to control them instead of them controlling you. Part 4

In part 1 we looked at the emotional link with cravings, and in this article we will look at the low energy, fatigue, lack of sleep, chronic tiredness link as in all of my experience in working with clients over the last 11 years tiredness comes up again and again as being a MAJOR cause of cravings to begin with.
The body needs energy to carry out all its daily functions , to heal, repair, regenerate, detoxify, fuel your brain etc and we need energy produced from our foods and a healthy digestive system to enjoy a fulfilling life. When we are tired we can so often STRUGGLE to get through the day. With tiredness comes, low moods, sugar/salt cravings, increased appetite, crankiness, irritability, depression, weight gain, low self-esteem, digestive upsets and lots more..on top of all of this you are more than likely to be suffering from Adrenal fatigue…Low blood sugars/hypoglycaemic..
The main role of the hormone cortisol in your body is to control your blood sugar level. Your blood sugar level has to be kept fine tuned and at a certain level to maintain ideal energy and health. When your adrenal glands are tired and fatigued the cortisol levels can drop lower than the normal. This means the body has to work harder to control the blood sugar balance. One of the main symptoms of adrenal fatigue or hypo-adrenia as it is known as is low blood sugar/hypoglycaemic. Symptoms…light headedness, travel sickness, faintness, nausea, headaches, stomach knots, weakness, carvings, lack of motivation, sickly feeling frequently, poor stamina. Too much refined and processed sugars lead onto low blood sugars in the first place.

Having low blood sugars stresses your adrenal even further. Therefore the key is avoiding this by eating high quality foods, rich in protein and complex carbohydrates and eating FREQUENTLY. Skipping meals is detrimental and can make you feel really ill and cause you to crave all the wrong foods. Your energy levels will hit rock bottom. The longer you go without food the greater the burden you are putting on your adrenal glands, as they try to produce more cortisol to normalise the blood sugar levels again. This becomes an addictive cycle.

Break the cycle, decide to change..change your habits, only you can do it, you have to be persistent and decide not to fall into the daily cycles of feeling tired, kick starting your system with coffee, sugar, sweets, buns, biscuits, fast food, cigarettes, coke whatever…

The body breaks down fats, proteins and carbohydrates into blood sugar called glucose. Our bodies use this glucose as our fuel to keep us going all day .adding excess sugar to your diet causes the rapid production of glucose, it’s a bit like adding rocket fuel to your car.. it’s not built for it and would find it very difficult to cope with. When the blood sugar rises so quick…it also FALLS just as quick…leaving you wanting the pick me up again. Now do you see why you need to stop and change the cycle. For people suffering from adrenal fatigue it is best to eat complex foods and to combine proteins, fats and starches at the one meal to slow the release of glucose production. Glucose is vital for our sustained energy…the key to a healthy bountiful energetic life is the SLOW PRODUCTION and control of the glucose as the body fuel.
Gertrude Lawler Health for life practitioner, Food Technologist, Natural Juice Therapist, practices in Clane. Enquiries or to obtain your FREE ‘Top Beat the Craving Tips’ or for a personal consultation call 086 3888535