Posts Tagged: metabolism

Bored with your diet? Are you in need of little ‘dietary’ excitement? By adding a splash of brilliant colours to your plate; Yes, red, oranges, yellows, greens, blues and purples.  Aim to get as many of these into YOU as possible…and don’t forget wonderful greens which we spoke about last week.  When you have an

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Don’t be fooled….It may be sweeter than you think!! Understanding food labels can be very difficult sometimes unless you have a degree. In the past few weeks I have been treating people who have had varying symptoms of pain in different parts of the body to ongoing tiredness, difficulty getting out of the bed in

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Slowing heartbeat, circulation, thinning hair, weight change, low energy levels , blood pressure, metabolism temperature, mental fogginess, low blood sugars, brittle nails, poor appetite, headaches, infertility, poor vision and memory, low libido, heavy periods, depression, high cholesterol…Phew! What a long list of symptoms for an underactive thyroid, and there are others! You may experience the

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