Posts Categorized: Healthy Eating

New Year, Same Old Tricks?

Happy New Year! Everyone has great intentions this time of the year of becoming a better healthier slimmer person or something like that!! So then why do so many give up on their new year’s resolutions so quickly? You have to ask yourself the question what is it you really want to change and why do

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I know many of you will be regular users of wheatgrass while some of you more than likely have never heard of it. Well wheatgrass is classed as a superfood because it has so much goodness in it. Here is a glimpse of what Wheatgrass actually contains: 20 x amino acids, including the Essential amino

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Last week I asked you to start focusing on your thinking and see where you need to change it regards to your lifestyle, the foods you eat or don’t eat, your exercise regime etc as in order to change anything you must change your thinking first! This week I would like to focus on helping

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The Truth about Fat

If there is one thing which annoys and upsets me it is this one thing… when people come to me struggling with their weight, particularly the people who struggle to lose weight and we go through their diet and the topic of fat comes up and they say to me…oh, I cannot eat avocados, they

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At last hopefully we can say the summer has arrived…now the most important thing is for you to be able to enjoy it safely, healthily and bug free. Whatever you’re cooking up this summer, keep food safe and fresh for all to enjoy. Most of us like to eat outdoors when the sun shining so

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Food can make you ill or it can make you well. This is a fact. I witness hands on everyday the impact of people’s diet on their health and happiness. How do you feel after you eat? There are a number of things to consider re your diet…So the next time you go to pop something

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By adding a splash of brilliant colours to your plate…Yes, red, oranges, green, yellows, blues and purples. Aim to get as many of these into YOU as possible… When you have an array of colours on the plate or in a glass whatever the case may be, your meal is instantly much more appetising. This

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