In part 1 of cravings we spoke about the emotional link and I asked you to identify if you are someone whom has some kind of craving, I hope you got on well assessing that. There are no magic wands or magic fixes to conquer the cravings however the most important mind set to begin
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Q. I have noticed a considerable amount of brown mucus in my stool, what is it telling me? A. Mucus is naturally produced by the body to help remove toxicity out of the gut. There can be many reasons for mucus in the stools and it can vary in colour from time to time. Mucus
A question I am often asked regards to food is: Q. Why is it when I cut out gluten I feel better but I still have most of my digestive problems? Answer. Gluten is a form of protein (Not a fat, as some people think) found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt. Proteins are the most difficult
Your eating habits could be making you ill. Last we looked at the importance of not drinking significant amounts when you eat and the important of digestive enzymes. Let me share with you another story of a woman in her 60’s who came with general tiredness and after a few sessions she mentioned that for
Continuing on from last week where I was asking you to have a serious look at how you eat and why it is so important. Doctors and medical professionals really pay very little attention as to HOW we eat, all of the attention goes to what we eat and that as I have said only
Resting, without the guilt. YES, it is okay! please continue reading to find out why. I am treating a lady at the moment and she has made remarkable progress. She came to me literally exhausted. I ask her to do a few things, one of them was to rest, simply when she felt tired, to
Continuing on form last week where we looked at some of the more common reasons for pain which included dehydration, Excessive sugar and stress, this week we will take a closer look at Inflammation. Im sure many of you have been prescribed anti-inflammatories at various times or maybe they are part of your daily medication.
Welcome to the final part of the optimum weight series, many people will say to me they are really good during the day but then come evening time after their dinner and they need or crave something sweet, they don’t feel satisfied and start picking, or they go all day without regular food and then
Last week I asked to start focusing on your thinking and see where you need to change it regards to your lifestyle, the foods you eat or don’t eat, your exercise regime etc. as in order to change anything you must change your thinking first! This week I would like to focus on helping you