Low back ache, frequent kidney infections, dark urine, headaches, sports injuries, constipation, tiredness, adrenal fatique, poor sleep patterns and much more can be due to you not actually drinking enough pure water.  Why do we hear so much about water? Well basically our bodies and cells are made up of many parts such as proteins,

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Can be a sign that you are stressed and burned out. Bleeding and sore gums can be due to over enthusiastic brushing or gum disease such as gingivitis’s. More commonly it indicates you are suffering from long term stress and may be burned out and run down and in need of some rest and relaxation

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On viewing all the celebrations recently around the world for ST.Patricks day, it occurred to me how creative we all can be when we put our minds to it and how great it is to have fun with family, friends and community. Here is a little article I wrote recently..and would really love to emphasise

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