Do you suffer from Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose Intolerance: Abdominal bloating/swelling, gagging, vomiting, nausea, excess wind, tummy pain, cramps, diarrhoea, back pain, congested sinuses. These symptoms can be due to you being lactose intolerant.

Lactose is the sugar found in milk and all dairy products made from milk. The enzyme lactase is needed to breakdown lactose in the small intestine so the lactose can easily be absorbed. When the enzyme is deficient in the system, the lactose passes directly into the large intestine. The bacteria present in the large intestine break it down into lactic acid. Lactic acid causes irritation to the bowel resulting in a laxative effect resulting in changes in bowel movement and all or some of the symptoms as above. The degree of severity varies for everyone depending whether you are born with this deficiency or it is as a result of bacterial infection or damage. You may have only some or all of these symptoms making it difficult for medical diagnosis resulting in people suffering for many years without knowing what are the cause of the problem.

The quantity of lactose tolerable varies from person to person. Some people can tolerate low quantities of lactose. Some need to avoid it out altogether.

Read labels at all times of processed products: such as canned, dried soups/sauces, ready dinner mixes, prepared vegetables, microwave/oven ready dishes and products using the term ‘cream of’ or ‘creamed’, oh and chocolate!

Look out for key words either in the product name or ingredient listing the Allergen information should state key words such as this product contains milk or dairy. Some other descriptions are whey, skimmed milk powder, Buttermilk, Cream and many others.

Beware of medications/over the counter drugs, anti-inflammatory pills’, anti-histamines etc many contain LACTOSE.

You can eat freely all other products that do not contain dairy such as fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, meat and fish. Lactose free milk and other products are now available in supermarkets and health food shops.

Treatment is by means of Kinesiology techniques to support and promote long-term resilience and natural healing of the intestines, leaky gut, digestive tract and immune system.  Advice, care and elimination of lactose from the diet are also very important to ensure relief and speedy recovery.

If you would like to be tested to ensure you are not lactose intolerant please email and I will forward on hair testing analysis details or kinesiology treatment details if you can come to my clinic.

Gertrude Lawler, Kinesiologist (DipAK), Food Technologist, practices in CLANE. Enquiries or to obtain a FREE Lactose Information pack please contact

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