Posts Tagged: harmful toxins

Are you Dehydrated?

Low back ache, frequent kidney infections, dark urine, headaches, sports injuries, constipation, tiredness, adrenal fatique, poor sleep patterns and much more can be due to you not actually drinking enough pure water.  Why do we hear so much about water? Well basically our bodies and cells are made up of many parts such as proteins,

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OH MY …Bleeding Gums!

Can be a sign that you are stressed and burned out. Bleeding and sore gums can be due to over enthusiastic brushing or gum disease such as gingivitis’s. More commonly it indicates you are suffering from long term stress and may be burned out and run down and in need of some rest and relaxation

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This Can really make you feel Tired! The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system and it plays a huge role in the body’s defence against disease such as the invasion of the body by germs and other micro-organisms. Lymph Nodes or lymph glands are the filtering houses and storage areas of

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