Understandably, when you read a label you expect to see the word sugar, however there are a vast array of ‘sugar names’ on the label which are disguised. One of those is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) — and that’s a completely different substance than your normal fructose ( fruit sugar) or sucrose (table sugar).
There is huge confusion over the sugars found in fruit. Yes, certain fruits e.g bananas are actually high in fructose but they also have an abundance of nutrition, so it is recommended to avoid eating bananas everyday. As I say for everyone’s diet VARIETY is the secret and most essential key to a healthy mind
During this series about sugar I really want to increase your awareness about the negative impacts of sugar upon your mind and body, every aspect of your health, wellness and happiness and how you can make changes for the better! Experts now say if sugar was found today it would be a banned substance as
What does the word sugar mean to you? For many sugar is simply the white granular stuff which sits in a sugar bowl on their kitchen table and is something they add to sweeten their taste buds while they are drinking tea, coffee, having a bowl of cereal or for use during baking or adding
How much sugar is actually in what you are eating everyday? As I always say to my clients it is not the one off desert or slice of birthday cake which does the damage it is the foods you eat and drink everyday. It is important that you start to read food labels as I