Life or death? Water Can Make the Difference!…

TV is not something I enjoy very much, however I love movies which make me feel good or laugh or documentaries which increase my awareness of the world’s cultures, nature, health and so on…recently I saw this documentary and it actually almost brought a tear to my eye…to see the women struggling in the heat to get some water…please read below…

Life or death?

Water Can Make the Difference!…

Imagine being in a remote village in Africa on the edge of the Sahara desert, where you and a number of other local women of all ages even your eight year old daughter, get prepared to head off with little food, as many empty containers as you can gather up, your camels, no sun protection & the last of the water supplies. The sun is beating down upon you for more than twelve hours per day. The reason for your trip in the first place is to search for the well where you will have to find without any maps/signs or any people to direct you to WATER!

Women take the journey allegedly as it is the culture/tradition & women have a much higher chance of finding the well due to their intuition! Because of women’s generally lower body mass the risk of dehydration/death is much higher. Imagine having to travel over 30 kilometres under these conditions to get a mouthful of water? FACT…The Sahara desert is one of the hottest places on the planet.

Recently I saw a documentary all about water, its uses, how it’s wasted/its scarcity in certain parts of the world…everyday I come across someone who is dehydrated. I am constantly reminding my clients to drink more water. One of the reasons why we don’t is because upon seeing that documentary it really struck me that we take water in this part of the world for granted.

All we have to do is go to the tap, fridge or pick up a bottle anywhere when we are out and about. It is a known fact when scarcity is involved we appreciate everything more. When people are told they can’t have wheat, sugar, nuts, cigarettes, alcohol etc., they want it all the more, as chemical messengers in the brain kick off a string of events in the body associated with habit. You have heard me speak of water before. Your body is made up of 87% water. It is needed for every function in the body. Think of what you can’t do when you don’t have water in your home. The closest we got to this was during the cold spell when we had frozen pipes and restricted mains supply. I can only tell you for sure water makes me feel fantastic. I love it and the odd day without my usual quantity I feel tired, sluggish and unfocused.
