Avoid a Hiatal Hernia attack this Christmas…

Hiatus means gap and Herniation means a state of rupture through the wall of that which normally contains it. Your stomach sits below the diaphragm with the oesophagus (your digestive tract from your mouth to your stomach) running up through the centre of it.

What Causes Hiatal Hernia?

Eating meals which are too large for the stomach…eating too quickly whereby the stomach cannot break down the food quickly enough so the stomach expands.

Poor posture…is a huge issue where people eat slumped over the table or on a soft sofa, with their shoulders forward and their backs in a C Curve. This results in all of the internal organs being compressed.

Eating when stressedwhen the body is not in a state to accept food and break it down into a paste where it can be easily utilised by the body. Instead the food will sit like a ball or knot in your stomach. As the stomach is forced upwards, its neck begins stretching a hole in the diaphragm through which the oesophagus passes. When this continues over a long period, it creates a tearing of the opening. At this stage or before it reaches this stage it can easily be treated and fixed through simple kinesiology techniques. The entire digestive system is looked at and treated to bring it back into balance. Just focusing on one part of it is not enough long term. In extreme cases surgery is required to bridge the gap.

Many people can suffer mild to severe digestive problems with this depending at what stage it is at or they may suffer heartburn/indigestion. They are often put onto Nexium or some other long-term medication, which in many cases the dosage increase or the drug itself, has to be changed frequently as it does little to quell the actual root problem.

This Christmas, avoid an attack…

  • Avoid an over indulgence in a mixture of rich foods.
  • Eat simple foods at each sitting and keep rich foods for a separate sitting.
  • Make time to eat slowly, savour every mouthful and chew thoroughly.
  • Always eat sitting up straight to maintain good posture for your organs.
  • Avoid excess liquids at meal times…a small glass of water sipped or a glass of red wine is ok…SIPPED!

Don’t forget to take your digestive enzymes. Move around after eating and avoid lying down, doing anything strenuous or bending over.  Get in a little fresh air…its brilliant at boosting digestion too…

