Beating Tiredness and energy slumps.. By Eating regularly

It takes a little effort to look after our-selves in the best possible way.  Only you can really look after you. One way of nurturing and nourishing and caring for yourself is to eat on a regular basis.

I treat clients everyday who want to lose weight, quit binging, stop food cravings, sleep better, have more energy, have greater motivation, concentration and much more.

Many clients say to me,  “I forget to eat sometimes or I hadn’t time to eat today or I’m not hungry until lunch time..”

The truth is the bodies only method of refuelling is using the food we eat and drink as our fuel. Therefore it makes perfect sense to eat more regularly. The problem in todays society is that we skip meals, we avoid making time to eat properly, to have a balance or a good mixture of foods, we go for high fats, high carbohydrate fast foods, convenience foods…we eat late in the night, we see having breakfast as a complete waste of time..

All of the above leads to slow metabolism, poor concentration, lack of motivation, headaches, tiredness, poor sleep patterns, binging and cravings, and so on..

You can beat these by setting your mind to making time to eat smaller portions more often, if you are tired or suffering from adrenal exhaustion you need to eat every 2-3 hours.

You need to include a WIDE variety of foods into your diet. No excuses, try new foods.

I’m reminding you that the best thing you can do for you today to boost your energy and your ‘get up and go’ is to have regular meals. Eat ‘little and often’ is best. No matter how busy and hectic your day, plan in a little time to eat too…

If you are not hungry first thing in the morning, have a glass of water or a herbal tea at least. This gets your metabolism going and usually about an hour later you will feel hungrier.

Poor eating patterns leads on to a starved and malnourished you.

Your body needs the vital nutrients it extracts from the food you eat to fuel you through the day.

So today, if you are someone who forgets to eat or skips meals because you have too much to do…make a special effort to have a little breakfast or piece of fruit, make some time for a bowl of soup or a sandwich during the middle of the day, have a decent evening meal or dinner. Take time to really taste and enjoy your food.

Make this a daily habit and you will see your energy slumps and sugar snacking disappear!
