Let’s spice things up a little……

Are you familiar with using spices as part of your regular diet, if not you really do not know what you are missing out on

I like to think of spices as little fireballs of nutrition, very little is needed for massive health benefits from boosting your immunity, giving you energy, boosting your metabolism and therefore helping you to have a healthy digestive system and promotes healthy weight too, also spices help lift you out of the depths of depression, help regulate your blood sugar levels, cravings and lots more!

So see below a full array of spices you can easily start using or increasing perhaps if you are already using. You will feel the benefits! ☺

Chilli: some experts say eating chillies as part of your meal increases the body’s ability to burn off excess fat for about 20 minutes after you finish your meal. It increases body temperature and can help to clear your sweat ducts. They are good at killing off nasty bacteria in the good too which are common at causing stomach ulcers. Do not eat chillies excessively as they may become an irritant to the system and attribute to cancer. If you are drawn to adding extra chillies or you like hotter than hot it may be an indication that you are lacking zinc as zinc is so important for our sense of taste and smell.

Cayenne: Only small pinches needed. Some will add to their juices others to soup, stirfrys etc to give it a kick. Cayenne is amazing for helping to clean up the blood and get the circulation going. If you suffer terribly form the cold there may be many causes but one thing you can try is sprinkling a little cayenne into your diet or sprinkle a dusting onto a little olive oil spread over a sheet of kitchen paper folded in half. Place onto the soles of your feet and warp in cling film or other and leave on for a few hours, it can take form days to weeks to help depending on how bad your circulation is to begin with. Keep a check on the soles of your feet if you have very sensitive skin, it may look very red but the skin will not actual be burning. Practice with common sense as you see fit.

Turmeric: A powerful anti-inflammatory and detoxifier. Add to fish as its cooking, in marinades, sprinkle over stirfrys, add to soups, stews, juices, smoothies, casseroles, stirfrys, and omelettes. Always use organic.

Ginger: fantastic for soothing nausea, travel sickness or digestive upsets like bloating, irritable bowel etc. Make ginger rheas, ginger and apple shots, add to your favourite juice or meal as desired.

Cloves: are great at keeping parasites out of your system, chew them whole for fresh breath or add to stewed apple, pears  or other fruit of choice, also cloves make a great immune booster when added to hot water with freshly squeezed lemon or lime.

Cinnamon: is rich in calcium, iron, manganese and fibre too! Is a powerful spice for balancing your mood swings, blood sugars, helps stabilise diabetic tendencies and is great for revitalizing memory and sharpening your cognitive abilities! It is beautiful added to poached/stewed fruit, sprinkled over your porridge or other hot cereal…

Garlic: eat as much as you can tolerate, it is fabulous for gastro-intestinal health, promoting weight loss, immune boosting, richer healthier clean blood so reducing risk of heart disease, helps protect you from cancer and lots lots more. Just get using it a few times per week. After crushing garlic wait about 10 minutes or so as its nutritional benefits are enhanced.

