I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired…

I so often here this, do you ever feel like this…perhaps it’s because your body is toxic… when the body is toxic it can result in you feeling foggy brained, suffering from poor memory, fluid retention, blocked up sinuses, weight gain, poor digestion, bloating, constipation, aches and pains all over, dead tired looking problematic skin, frequent infections, insomnia, finding’s it difficult to get out of bed in the morning …do I need to go on, as I really could?

Do you know that all of these complaints can be helped by a proper working liver! Yes you may be surprised to learn this, however you have heard me speak of the powerful liver organ before.

When you eat a wide varied diet you get all the nutrients you need. The problem with us is that we stick to the same handy boring good old reliables every day, tea, toast, porridge, potatoes, meat…not that there is anything wrong with these but there is when that’s all you eat!

To keep toxins eliminated from your body you need the following nutrients on a consistent basis, which all work together to perform detoxification through the liver. As the liver detoxifies in different phases like different levels it needs the wide variety of nutrients as listed below for it to work at its optimum.

Vitamin E…found in avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, fish. Vitamin C- found in broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, green vegetables, nettle tea, Glutathione, found in onions, garlic, chives.. Selenium found in nuts, seeds, fish, selenium is a powerful antioxidant and helps your body to fight disease. Beta-carotene found in orange deep yellow coloured foods e.g butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and melons too.Magnesium, mainly found in leafy greens vegetables. B vitamins, found in wholegrain products, animal products, fortified cereals etc

What can you do?

Up your water intake, cut out the rubbish and introduce new foods into your daily routine. If you already have a good diet then there may be other hidden toxins in the body which are not necessarily dietary related.  It can be smoke, chemicals from your working environment, chemicals from your garden or household sprays, body care chemicals which you lash onto your skin every day, Internal imbalances in hormones and so on. If this is the case we can test to get to the root of this for you. The liver is a lot more complex than this however when pointed in the right direction, like with anything in life, it’s a lot easier.

Start off your day with half a lemon in water or a shot of wheatgrass, both of these are great ways to make your system more alkaline and reduce the burden on your liver. Chew your food thoroughly and avoid lots of fried foods and eating late at night.

Have some raw foods in your diets as in uncooked foods, it i such simpler this time of the year in warmer weather to introduce lots of salad leaves, chives, parsley, coriander etc all of these whole foods are wonderful at nursing the liver.

The main emotion linked to the liver is anger, often work needs to be done on this level too to bring inner peace and calm into the system. No amount of nutrients will  undo years of frustration, anger or resentment.

Focus on your long term health and make small changes which you act upon consistently. Consistency is the key! Just because you are not sick right now does not mean you are in vibrant health, when is the last time you had a full checkup?

If you need further help with any of this, just give me a shout at gertrude@kinesicare.ie
