Start Thinking…about the long term effects!!!

The reason I write these articles is to help give you valuable information, tips, steps, strategies along with encouragement, support and motivation… to help you feel better and get the absolute best out of your life. This week while you are reading this I really want you to start thinking about what you put into your mouth and the long term implications of it!

The types of food you eat and the diet you maintain can and is having a direct impact upon your energy levels, how you feel, your motivation, your moods, you sleep, your libido and so on. That can either be positive or negative whether at this point you realise it or not.

Fast food (also known as junkie food, addictive food, dope food, rubbish food, fattening food…) sugar, convenience foods, microwave food etc are filled with additive like substances of sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, colourings, sweeteners, processing aids, artificial flavourings and lots more!!! These foods tend to keep you in the food trap of always wanting more of these foods in order to feel satisfied or full.

The only way to change the pattern is to STOP consuming them. When you come off high sugar, high salt, additive rich processed foods, you will go through a day or two of withdrawal symptoms. This is a fact and this is the exact point people give up! They give up as they do not understand what is happening, they think while they have gone a day or two without their beloved foods they should immediately feel fine, of course they don’t, so they quit!

Between 48-72 hours approximately after going without these foods your body realises what is happening. It no longer is burdened with the constant work it has to do in producing insulin, breaking these foods down, producing fat etc so it instead can start ridding your body of the excess waste and toxins from the build-up in your system probably following years of being in the trap.

So when this is happening you may have restless sleep, nausea, headaches, or feel tired. This is great as now your body is detoxing, this usually lasts no longer than 1-2 days and then you start to experience clarity in your thinking, brighter eyes, better sleep, more energy and lots more. It takes time obviously for your body to get back into shape but it cannot do it on its own. This week give your body a little helping hand.
