Healthy Winter Tips…
There is no doubt the winter is here, and for many it is a season often disliked. It is not all about hibernating, however it is a time to take extra good care of ourselves as due to frequent weather changes, temperatures, cold winds etc our body needs extra protection. )Seasonal Affective Disorder is a huge problem for so many, which I have written a separate article all about)
Listen/Watch Healthy Winter Tips here
or enjoy a read….to keep you glowing healthy this winter.
1.Keep the body moving!
Do not just ‘stop’ exercising because the days are darker and colder. You know how great and how important exercise is, it is extra beneficial when you get some fresh air in too. This time of the year the key is to still get outdoors but you must wear the proper outdoor clothing with many layers and something waterproof too and enjoy your walk, run, game of golf or whatever. I know that is not rocket science but you would not believe the amount of people I work with who will complain of the cold and how bad the weather is and they can’t get out to do anything and yet they wear completely inappropriate clothing.
As the Norwegians say, There is no such thing s bad weather only bad clothing. Of course it is a great time to go to the gym if it is something which you enjoy or exercise for free in the luxury of your own home.Use a gym ball, weights, mini trampoline, dance around to your favourite music, play an active wii game/wii fit, use the stairs to get fit, use at home Keep fit DVDs, Apps, You Tube videos etc stretches/ toning exercises…see how much you can do no matter what the weather.
All you need to do is “do” it. Start with a few minutes every-day and build it up. Have fun. If feeling cold throughout the day, move your body more as blood flow reduces when you are sitting/stagnant for long periods. Of course the chances are you already KNOW all of this, yet what is stopping you from taking the actions and implementing the habits which you know you body needs and which will benefit you the most??
2. Eat with the seasons.
Right now the body needs warming up with delicious nutritious seasonal fruit and vegetables. It is the time to relish in your homemade soups, stews, casseroles, stir-fries… Avoid cold -foods/drinks straight from the fridge or freezer and avoid excess cooling foods such as salads. Salads are brilliant but add some warmth to them by using ginger/chilli/cayenne in your dressing, have warm cooked quinoa on top or baked sweet potato!This is especially important if you suffer from any form of digestive problems.
Always chew your food well and eat smaller portions more often. This is imperative no matter what time of the year. It is so critically important I will never miss an opportunity to remind you.
Also allow your drinking water to reach room temperature it is much more appetising this time of the year than ice cold which will deplete the energy from your kidneys and adrenals and make you feel very cold.
Herbal teas are a fantastic way to keep both hydrated and warm.
3. Eat high quality proteins & complex carbohydrates
such as whole-grains (brown rice, brown pasta, wholegrain flour) and this includes root veg like squashes, pumpkins and sweet potatoes. These yellowy orange foods are full of carotenoids ( pre-cursors to vitamin A, which is so important for immune health, moods, neurotransmitter balance , anti-oxidants etc) all of these naturally help us to feel better.
Complex carbohydrates act as the main energy reserve for the body. Often people crave excess junk in the winter because their serotonin levels (the feel good chemicals derived from sunshine) decline. Beware of what is happening so in the new year you are not fighting excess bulge in places you do not want it. 🙂
Supplement with Vitamin D3 1000iu from November to end of March to help your overall health but especially your bone health, colon health and lots more. Speak with your physician or practitioner first and ensure you get your blood levels of Vitamin D checked yearly. Some people take way too much and that too can have negative consequences, so follow the advice of your professional.
4. Get more sleep.
The dark evening are there for a reason. Our immune systems have to work harder during the colder months and sleep boosts the immune system so you see how clever nature is! Use the dark cold winter season to catch up on plenty of rest as much as you can. Our health and vitality is dependent upon our physical, emotional and spiritual selves being better balanced as every part of our minds and bodies are intrinsically linked.
When people want to improve their wellness, feel better or raise their self-esteem or self-worth they usually only focus on one aspect. No matter how healthy you eat, if you do not also like, love and accept yourself unconditionally, that healthy food will have little impact. If you tell yourself all day long how great you are but feed your body nutrient depleted highly processed foods you will not have the nutrients to feed your cells and therefore your body will become malnourished and unwell.
As I said above, the majority of people know what they “Should” be doing but yet fail to do it. so if you are ready to take your health and your life happiness to another level then check out my life blossoming programme below.Thank you.
Are you ready to Blossom?
My Life Blossoming Programme helps you to make self-care a priority. it helps you to reconnect with your true self and get to the root of your self-sabotaging patterns, behaviours and beliefs so you can experience true happiness, inner peace and calm and a high level of self-confidence and self-worth.
Wishing you a thriving Winter,
Gertrude x
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