What is Causing My Migraine?

I suffered from debilitating migraines for well over 12 years. THANK FULLY NO MORE. 🙂 The nausea, the sickness, the soreness in the head following the ease of the blinding lights…it worsened as time went onto to numbness, paralysis on my left arm usually or even on my face. It was horrific and frightening. The first time I got the numbness, I was terrified I was having a stroke. Unfortunately, all the doctors could do was to give me the strongest painkillers on the market to take at the immediate onset of one, but they didn’t work! In fact, over time the effectiveness of the painkillers wears off and adds to congesting the body even further.

Many feel migraines are something they have been inflicted with and must live with for the rest of their lives. I certainly do not believe this to be true, as I believe there is a cause for everything. Finding out the cause of what is triggering your migraine is the only way to treat it.

As you have all heard before, coffee, chocolate, cheese, bananas etc are all possible triggers for the onset of migraine. Both for myself and through my treatments, I have rarely found this to be the case. It can be for some but usually it goes much deeper than that. A stressed out or burned out body, adrenal fatigue, a body overloaded with toxins like parasites, fungi, metals or a person who has TMJ Syndrome (Temporo Mandibular Joint syndrome) jaw misalignment, or a person who has neck issues or injuries from past accidents or traumas resulting in cranial,neck, or back damage. Food intolerances, blood sugar imbalances, gut dysfunction, bright lights, poor sleep, medications and so on can all lead to migraines. Of course all of these things too can cause headaches, but headaches differ greatly from migraines. Lower back problems can lead onto weak neck muscles from strain, resulting in lack of blood supply, nerve supply etc to the head. The result = headache/migraine.

Plenty of sleep, water, relaxation, GOOD POSTURE and wholesome food intake are all simple things that are very important in the prevention of migraines.

During testing and treating, all of the areas of the body will be assessed to pinpoint the underlying cause of your headache/migraine and treat it accordingly with stress relief, nutrition boost if needed, toxin elimination and boosting blood and lymph supply etc.
