Neck and Shoulder Tension

Are your neck, head and shoulders tight, tense, painful or sore?

Migraines, headaches, poor concentration, neck pain, upper and lower back pain, weak arm strength, inability to move arms, neck or  shoulders freely can all be as a result of long-term  stress, tension and toxicity in the body.

Stiffness, back spasms, pain and inflammation, are all often as a result of a build-up of lactic acid, congestion and lymph in the muscles. The other important factor to note is if your lower back is tight it can pull on your neck and upper back muscles too. Injury, poor posture, stress, tension, lack of digestive enzymes, diet and exercise can all play a huge role in the ability of muscles to be able to work properly.

Posture is so important for the correct maintenance and functioning of muscles. When the muscles become tight and tense the blood flow and lymph flow cannot fully get through the entire length of the muscles. Blood supply is critical for all areas of the body to ensure it is fed with nutrients, oxygen and the waste matter generated by the cells and muscles is cleansed away by lymph. So check your sitting positions, your standing positions and check how you lie in bed, is your pillow of good firmness and the right height for your neck?

What position are you in when you are on your phone, iPad, computer ?etc we spend so much time these days on these devices and we don’t even realise it. Limit your time on these devices and take regular breaks, stretches etc to help keep the muscles and posture in a healthy relaxed state.

Your neck and shoulder and upper back muscles may be very tense also due to poor digestive function. The digestive organs are all supported in the body through related muscles. When the digestive system is under strain e.g. lacking in digestive enzymes, or has nasty bacteria overload, the related muscles in the front upper chest weaken and thus tighten all surrounding muscles. Every muscle acts in conjunction with others, like a pair and a front and a back set of muscles which work in conjunction to keep our head upright, our sone aligned etc with them.

Simply put if the front chest muscles weaken, it pulls on the upper back/neck muscles and tightens them. Each muscle group is related to a specific internal organ, therefore when the muscles are stiff and tight or painful the organ can be compromised too or vice versa.

In this case by working on the actual cause of the digestive problem and working on all the related muscles you will feel enormous benefit.

Self-Help Tips…

Plenty of water is crucial to everything well hydrated.

Vitamin C and the B Vitamins are very important to help keep stress at bay and vitamin C is especially important for connective tissue health and elasticity.

Minerals like zinc, magnesium, manganese are essential for the proper functioning of working muscles, ligaments, tendons and so on.

Good posture is critical!!! so get those shoulders back and tuck your tummy in! These may sound like simple things but they can make a massive difference to your health, energy and happiness.


To Relieve stress and tension and tightness in the neck shoulder and head areas work on these acupressure points…

Here is the video link where I show you what to do, 

Here is the script of the video showing you where and why to work on these acupressure points.

K27…An acupressure/neuro-lymphatic point found just beneath the collar bone and beside the  breast bone, in the soft tissue there, rub in circular motion to increase blood supply. Rub on it a few times per day.This pint is associated with the kidney and stress, fear and worry.

B1…An acupressure/neuro-lymphatic point found on the inner corner of the eye under the forehead. Using your ring fingers press upwards into these points while your fingers rest on the side of your nose almost. These points are associated with the bladder and holding onto stress, vera, worry, anxiety etc

The base of the skull/top of the neck area , bring your head backwards and using your thumbs press upward into the nape of the neck/base of skull. You should feel like two little hollows there and they can be very tender. We hold so much stress and tension there and it can affect your digestion, posture, sleep, energy levels, cause headaches and so much more.


Here are two other simple exercises you can practice to build up strength and stamina in the muscles.

If long term pain persists always seek medical assistance. The root cause needs to be addressed which is where I work rather than just treating the issue short term with anti-inflammatories and pain killers.


Torso Rotation

This move increases upper- and lower-back flexibility.

Cross your arms in front of you and place your right hand on the front of your left shoulder and your left hand on the front of your right shoulder. Gentle rotate your torso and head to one side as far as you can go—and return to center. Then rotate to the other side. Repeat 10 times on each side.


Sitting Knee Pillow Squeeze

This move strengthens the hip flexors and solidifies your core muscles and the foundation upon which your neck depends. You will feel this move in your hips and inner thighs.

Sit straight up in your chair—and place a thick pillow between your knees. Roll your hips forward. Hold the pillow with your thighs—squeeze and release. Repeat 20 times—and work up to three sets.

Deep breathing is also powerful too in building up your core muscles. Pilates is very good too but must be carried out consistently.

Let me help you further sign up for 7 step health prescription today so you can take control of your own health and wellbeing and feel happy , energised and well as a result.

Grab my free 7 Step Health Prescription today..the one your doctor will never write for you!

Wishing you a more relaxed and chilled out body!

