14 Wonderful Romantic Blissful Ways For You To Love And Spoil Yourself

Surprise!!! This week to celebrate St Valentine Day I am giving you 14 steps…14 wonderful, romantic, blissful ways for you to spoil and treat yourself or think of yourself differently. Yes guys you can do all of these things too!

So please see below 14 wonderful ways you can be extra good to YOU today, let’s not wait on someone else to do the loving for us. The truth is no one else can love you the way you need to love yourself…love yourself first. It is the ultimate in self-care and the foundation to true health, peace of mind, fulfilment and happiness on every level.

Yes of course it is nice to have that someone extra special in your life to partner up with but that’s an entirely different type of love. So often relationships, breakdown, struggle and fail because we are so dependent on that other person to make US happy. Here’s the thing, it is your responsibility to love yourself and make yourself happy…not theirs!!!

Self-acceptance and self-love are the panacea for so many ills in the world today. If you are feeling, down, unmotivated, insecure, unworthy, anxious, unhappy with yourself and so on you cannot live a full life. Most likely life is hard, difficult, and depressing…low self-esteem is the biggest underlying and under diagnosed cause of practically every health issue going. The problem is low self-esteem does not show up in blood tests, scans, x-rays etc so medically it technically doesn’t exist because your feelings are intangible.

Low self-esteem becomes tangible when in real life you struggle with everyday tasks or you push yourself beyond extremes to succeed, to be happy, to achieve, to complete and so on…Burnout, hormone imbalances, insomnia, muscle aches, pains, tension , heart palpitations, digestive upsets and lots more are often the physical manifestations in the body.

I am so passionate about this topic because learning to like, love and accept myself is what ultimately turned my health and life around. I never felt good enough, I never felt what I did or what I achieved was ever enough. I was so hard on myself it was cruel, now when I look back upon it I know that was my coping mechanism and my means of survival at the time. Although of course I got sick before i learned all of this.I see the exact same pattern with so many of the people I work it and it REALLY DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY AT ALL…except like me many people have no idea how to change or where to begin…

This is why I created my LIFE BLOSSOMING PROGRAMME…You can start to change your life today , feel enough, believe in yourself, be happy in your own skin , enjoy life, have abundant energy , be confident to do whatever you want you want to do and so much more.

Get all the details here 

You are so worth looking after and spoiling ourselves even if it is only every so often is powerful too, if you are in need of an excuse, then look no further than today. St valentine days is well known now for celebrating LOVE…

Here are 14 steps to embrace that self-love today…and remind yourself how wonderful you are!

1.HUG Yourself! wrap your loving arms around yourself, close your eyes and feel that loving comfort. You could also wrap a warm blanket around you or a fleece or hug your favourite teddy. Hugs get the empathy and caring hormone Oxytocin released.

2.Listen to your child within… what would they like to do on this special day, have a little fun, have a lazy day, have a day where they are spoiled…listen to this song, I love it , it’s called LOVE YOU by  Free design. You may need to play it a few times to really hear the words.   https://youtu.be/hU0iGmsGdW8

3.Buy yourself your favourite flowers, close your eyes, imagine their smell, their beauty, their size, shape, smell etc decorate your home with them.

4.Give yourself a 15 minutes home hand spa, get a small basin of warm water and add 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts, sea salts or dead sea salts. Allow to soak for 5 minutes. Mash up a soft avocado and rub all around into your hands, (optional you can put your hands into latex gloves or wrap into a heated moist towel for a few minutes for extra benefit) and finally get a small piece of coconut butter/oil and massage into the nail beds , palms of hands and back of hands, love the softness of your new hands. You could also add one drop of your favourite essential oil too for added heavenly results.Alternatively you can massage evening primrose oil or vitamin e into your hands, any time to help with sore chapped hands, dry hands etc

5.Light you favourite candle or several tea-lights for an instant way to cheer you up and add a little spark to your home and to your life.

6.Watch your favourite movie, what is it?, when did you chill out and view it last? How about setting a date or time now so you can look forward to curling up on your sofa without any disturbances and be enthralled.

7.Splash on that something extra special, your favourite top, your favourite tie, your favourite splash of perfume or aftershave, your little bit of heaven, you know what it is, you can enjoy it today for you!

8.Make out a list of all the things you love to do, e.g go to the movies, have a hot soak in the tub, a date with your girlfriends or boyfriends, time to paint, play, sleep, read, bake, cook…whatever it is, put them into a jar and pick one out today and make all the necessary arrangements.

9. Nourish your body with heavenly nutrients…This is a smoothie fit for a prince or a princess… if you love chocolate, well here you can have the chocolate without the chocolate!! If you are looking to boost your health, your energy and your immunity while still treating yourself , then this smoothie is for you as it is filled with anti-oxidants ( yes, all the good guys that fight on your behalf to help you feel great)  when you are making your smoothie, get out your favourite glass, it just adds to that extra pleasure…

You will need a blender…

1 cup of almond milk

½ cup of coconut milk

1 heaped tablespoon of raw cacao powder

1 dessertspoon of ground up seeds, chia, sunflower, pumpkin etc

1 dessertspoon of tahini

1 dessertspoon of hemp seeds

1 small banana fresh or frozen ( if using fresh I recommend you add some ice-cubes to give you that extra coolness which this smoothie deserves)

2 figs or  2dates or 1 small apricot or a dessertspoon of molasses /honey ( whatever you have to hand)

Simply blend, add more milk if you like a thinner consistency but it will give you a blast of energy and immune boosting properties.


10.Dance to your heart’s content, at home today in the kitchen or the workplace loo, sing in the shower, do something fun to get that booty going. Dancing is one of the most joyful ways to get your energy moving, de-stressing you, cheering you up and will help you to get fit and lose weight too. So what are you waiting for go put on your favourite get up and go music and get those feet dancing!!! Let me see them move!!!

11.LAUGH!!! Make some time to laugh today, share a joke with everyone in the office, share a joke with a loved one or a friend, you know when you laugh it sends feel good chemicals and positive vibrations to every part of your body. It is amazing for picking you up when you are feeling down or in need of a little TLC. Can you remember when you laughed at something and it made tears run down your face with joy or when your cheeks got sore or you got a stitch in your side because you were laughing so much. That’s what I am talking about, go back to that memory and see if it makes you laugh again or have a look at this, many get a great laugh at watching someone else laugh   http://youtu.be/RP4abiHdQpc ( Baby laughing hysterically at ripping paper)

12.Let the LOVE Flow! 
L= Let go of one habit today that you do daily that is not helping you to feel good

O= Own it, this is your life, enjoy making your own decision about your health , wellbeing and wellness. So today really take ownership of those feel good feelings and do whatever you need to do to keep them part of your daily routine

V= Victory….celebrate every time you get something done, achieve something, cook something, exercise, drink a glass of water etc this creates an abundance of feel good achievements as opposed to complaining, whinging, giving out, making excuses, being critical of yourself and so on. Celebrate every little thing you get done or for every positive thing you say to yourself today.

E= Excitement …Get excited, what makes you excited? many people never allow themselves to feel excited, usually because they have some great fear of being disappointed, let down, hurt etc. It’s ok to be excited. It’s an amazing feeling and one which has the power to fill you up with hope and renewed belief.

13.Take a little time to reflect…..Live today!

Write out all the things which are great about you, even if you can only find one thing..embrace it and celebrate it… by feeling good the treasure chest will open up and all the others will come flooding out…when you let them!!! because they are in there.

“ You have a chance to be happy

As any one person has ever been.

All you have to do is recognise

The possibilities, the power,

And the wonder of …YOU today.

By Douglas Pagels.

14. Count your blessings!!!!

May you be blessed with all these things:

A little more joy,

A little less stress

A lot more recognition

of your wonderfulness.

Abundance in your life,

Blessing in your days

Dreams that come true,

And hopes that stay.

A rainbow on the horizon,

An angel by your side…

And everything

That could ever bring a smile to your life.

by Mia Evans

May you truly have a brilliant day,

Lots of love,


PS. If any of the above resonated with you and you want to change but do not know where to start. I can help you either in my life blossoming programme or one to ones in person or virtual.

You absolutely deserve to be happy but I know you might not think or believe that right now. Trust me I have been where you are at now, I didn’t believe it either. I was wrong. Everything in life is so much better and is so much easier when you can be kind, loving , caring and accepting of yourself .

We are so often our worst enemies and our beliefs about ourselves can be so shaded by fear, shame and negativity. We limit ourselves in so many ways and most often we are not even aware of it but yet we constantly feel unhappy, anxious, alone, not good enough and overwhelmed by life in general.

Today I encourage you to stop beating yourself up and putting yourself down…take that first step and allow yourself to BE FREE to BE YOURSELF.

You can get all the details of the life blossoming programme here

or contact me via email  gertrude@kinesicare.ie to make an appointment or coaching call.