Help ‘ME’ to take care of ‘ME’…Part 1 of 2

I often get asked the question what can I actually do to help myself to keep myself healthy and well… or if I just wish I knew where to start?

There is actually a lot you can do for yourself, that is the main focus of my treatments is to help people to continue helping themselves. Sometimes when we are suffering pain or discomfort or some form of illness it can be a lonely time as you may feel ‘no one understands’ what you are going through…sometimes it can be great to speak to a friend or family member if you can or sometimes speaking to a complete stranger is much easier as you feel you will not be judged or feel bad about saying something to offend someone. Bottling up how you feel will make you sick!

Start with a goal of ‘I am taking good care of myself TODAY’. Take some very special time out for you away from everyone and everything and just sit or lie quietly and comfortably.

Listen to your breath as it goes in and out with your eyes closed…have you ever done this before? If you have a specific problem, take time to THINK of and look at solutions…worrying is wasteful energy just focusing on the problem, so the more you focus on it the bigger it gets. The problem can become huge and too big to solve by oneself.

To enhance this relaxing effect you can listen to soft music or something classical…you can pray, you can listen to the birds or the waves or the wind blowing against the leaves or you can look at a beautiful picture of a sunset or a landscape or dream of some beautiful place that you have visited or dream of going somewhere beautiful or whatever you enjoy and allow yourself to just be.

Stop worrying about your ailment and all the others things you may be constantly thinking about or worrying over. Doing this for a few minutes every day helps you appreciate all you actually have already and all you can be thankful for.

In todays’ chaotic society actually stopping and absorbing what is around us is happening less frequently as we feel there is  never enough time. Often when we get sick or ill or develop a pain, it is our bodies’ natural way of telling us to stop, otherwise it crashes. Remember Prevention is the best cure of all!

If you are really concerned over your ailment or health. Now is the time to have it checked in every way. Get a full medical done, rule out anything serious then focus on restoring your health and happiness. This is what I spent years doing and it has been so worth it…the journey continues…

See you next week for part two. If I can be of any help in the meantime please feel free to contact me.
