Irene O’ C.

Gertrude’s treatments for me are, in very summary terms, about assessing symptoms and working to resolve them by treating the root of the problem, however, as a practitioner, she does so much more than that.  “As you said to me some time back you work on 3 levels physical (as I mentioned), emotional and spiritual.” The latter two giving rise to the physical symptoms and working on things like expectations, attitudes, self esteem with tools such as journaling, affirmations, tapping, colour therapy and really considering your feelings and becoming more self aware are all part of the process to heal the emotional blocks.  For me, this is the powerful aspect of the work you do. 

What makes the service good and you special – is your personality, your energy, your commitment and your life experiences.  So many times you mention what happened to you and how you dealt with it and it almost feels similar in ways – I really feel like someone understands and this makes for a very open and trusting relationship.  In particular, I love the way you articulate issues in such a practical way that it sticks in my mind (drawings on the whiteboard, colour therapy exercise and the burning desire (I won’t forget that !!!).  You are always very encouraging but yet not afraid to give the push needed (THANK YOU) in a serious but caring way