Are you Suffering from Dizziness?

Feelings of loss of balance, being out of sorts with unpleasant spinning sensations while sitting, standing or upon rising, accompanied by feelings of nausea/ weakness, or symptoms of ear infections or sinusitis?

If this sounds like you, you have probably been told you have Vertigo…this is really very common, but unfortunately I know that doesn’t help you one bit. You may notice your symptoms vary, or someday it doesn’t seem so bad or your medication helps a little but not enough.

Dizziness can occur for a number of reasons, and should always be checked out medically without delay ideally with an MRI scan to ensure there are no other underlying causes.

It may simply be due to blood sugar imbalances, lack of iron in the diet, bacterial overload from nasty bacteria such as helicobacter pylori or due to the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Eat small portions often to balance blood sugars. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking, sweeteners, fried foods, sugary foods as they can exacerbate the problem. Eat proteins and complex carbohydrates. Eat plenty of greens like raw spinach, broccoli, and some red meat if you choose in moderation, take iron supplement where necessary and always with vitamin C to enhance absorption. Low blood pressure can also be a factor and this can be caused by adrenal fatigue/exhaustion.

Jaw misalignments and misalignments of the atlas at the top of the neck/base of the skull and or Tight neck muscles/neck problems are another very common cause of dizziness as due to the tightness, restrictions in the muscle blood flow and lymphatic flow are greatly reduced cutting the blood supply to the vital brain and nerve cells. Good posture is extremely important here along with plenty of water to ensure muscles are well hydrated at all times. One of the main muscles in the neck the upper trapezius can go into spasm and believe it or not helps the kidneys to function properly.

It may also be due to cranial damage. Our skull is made up of a number of flat bones like plates, which have tiny gaps between them, if they become jammed together or misaligned in some way, many problems can result. This can very easily happen following an accident, recent or old injury to the head even as a young child… It may only become a problem in later years following a build-up of stress.

I hope by reading this you become aware that there are so many which are likely to be involved, you do not have to live with this condition. Other common causes may be a viral infection or other toxins, blockages in the ear by compacted wax, food sensitivity, extreme exhaustion and poor diet  to name just a few…I have treated this problem for so many very successfully over the years. It can make your life misery and in the majority of cases is so easy solved.

Gertrude Lawler , Health for life practitioner, Food Technologist, practices in Clane.  Enquiries or to obtain your FREE “   Healthy You steps” Pack call 086 3888535
