Is inflammation behind your chronic health matter?

Have you ever asked yourself the question as to what is behind your chronic health problem?

What disease have you got?

What label have you been given?

For years now I have been investing in my health and wellness. I have worked so hard to make myself feel better and turn my life and health around that I want to keep it that way.  It is amazing what you learn when you look for it. There is so much information and there are so many facts people do not know about their ill health and about what the underlining causes may be. This is why I write this article as I feel the more people know about helping themselves, the better!!

One huge area where I work with people is with inflammation. Much research and study now shows that inflammation is the root of many if not all chronic health problems, auto immune diseases and vascular health problems. Inflammation arises in the body as a result of a high stress lifestyle and also high stress exercise. Many ‘fit’ people die from sudden death or cardio-vascular problem. There are many inflammatory markers in the body such as excess fibrin, c-reactive protein, kinase, and many others.

These need to be tested and monitored to ensure you do not have a problem with them. The majority of us though right now have a problem with inflammation from plaque build-up to scar tissue in the body. Fibrin is produced naturally as part of our healing mechanism in the body. If you cut yourself, fibrin is produced in excess to heal the tissues concerned. The excess which is not used in the healing process must then be broken down in the body through enzymes. There are two types of enzymes in the body, Digestive and proteolytic enzymes. We are only born with and produce a finite amount of enzymes in our live. Some people have more than others, in those with less enzymes disease and chronic problem set in earlier in life.

This is one of the topics I will be covering in my upcoming one day ‘HEALTHY YOU’ event, happening June 30th. Please contact me directly for booking as limited places are available. I will be sharing on the day changes you can make and things you need to know and be doing in order for you to improve your health and happiness.  I will be teaching you skills, techniques and how to’s re juicing, healthier lifestyles, relaxation, strengthening exercises and lots more to overcome inflammation and or manage inflammation in your body. It will be a fun relaxing learning event where you get to put some things into action too. I look forward to you joining me.



I am hosting a one day ‘Healthy You’ event.

Sunday June 30th

Westgrove Hotel.Clane, Co ,Kildare.

Investment: Only €97 for the day, Includes notes and lunch

Many health topics will be covered over the course of the day, all aimed at helping you to understand what you can put into practice to improve your own health and wellbeing.

In summary the day will include you taking time out for yourself, to learn and put into action healthy strategies to promote greater health, wellbeing and relaxation. It will be a fun impactful day covering all areas of relaxation/stress on the mind and body, juicing/ foods for life and energy plus key concepts everyone should know about health and vitality.

Limited places available.

Please contact me directly for more info/booking, only €97.

Tel: 0863888535     Email:
