Day 1

Hi [newsletters_field name=firstname]

Welcome to Day 1 of your 10 Days Master your emotional skills mini course.

I am delighted you are here. It is so exciting to share with you magical little ways to help you make your daily life so much better in every way.

Click here to watch your Welcome Video

Below you will find the links to your 3 bonuses and the link to Day 1. Expectations video. ..then everyday for the next 9 days you will receive another email with each days video link. Ensure to check your spam folders if you do not see it. It will arrive each day for the next nine days at the same time as today, the time you signed up.

Take it at your own pace and enjoy it….above all else implement your learnings to reap the rewards. Knowledge is wonderful but unless put to good use it’s futile.

So without further ado I will let you get started!

Here are the links to your THREE Bonuses:

Bonus 1… Anxiety Busting Active Meditation Workout Video

Bonus 2… 27 Day Affirmation PDF and all the benefits of using Affirmations

Bonus 3… Vision Boards Video


Day 1. Expectations.

Today’s topic is all about EXPECTATIONS…and how our expectations can be huge stressors in our lives.

Before you hit play on the link below grab a notebook and pen and be ready to take some notes to guide you through…

Click Here To Watch The Video


“Set the standard! Stop expecting others to show you love, acceptance, commitment, & respect when you don’t even show that to yourself.” 

By- Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience


Here is a brief overview of the 10 Day Master Your Emotional Wellbeing Skills Course.

Over the next 10 days we will be looking at the following main sources of everyday stress which so often gets overlooked as NOT being a cause of stress in the first place… as we deem these emotional responses and behaviours as NORMAL.

Expectations… how they can be our biggest stressors of all without us even realising it…

Overwhelm…How to prevent and reduce it so it is not stressing you out everyday and causing you to get even less done, which causes more stress!

Perfectionism…The limiting factors linked to perfectionism and how it make be holding you back from just being yourself in a confident carefree way

Worry/Anxiety…How to handle these feelings and step away from the belief that you are just a worry ant and nothing can be done about it!!!

Limiting self beliefs…we all have them, some can really get in our way and cause havoc in our daily lives..lets undress them and see how you can change them so they are supporting you on a daily basis instead of sabotaging you

Judgements… Many people judge without even realising it, it causes huge stress and I teach you how to change any judgemental patterns which may be negatively impact upon you

Procrastination… what are you putting off and why? what’s the negative impact of this? I see this being a massive factor and roadblock with the people I work with, This pattern can keep you stuck, trapped and stressed …

Frustration & Control…We will go through these dynamics and there potential negative upon your life

Planning/Organisation….how too much is as bad as too little and how to get the balance right by listening to your body…but that’s the bit we really struggle with

Practical self-care..where to start and what to do…and when is enough enough?

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for Day 2…Topic…Overwhelm!

Thanks so much , Big hugs to you and have a wonderful day just being you and keep being aware of your expectations as you go through this day xx
